Learn How To Create A Perfect Eyeliner With Laser Precision With The Help Of Cut Crease Techniques In Less Than 2 Hours

Creating a perfect eyeliner is mission impossbile for most women. The reason why is because creating an eyeliner has multiple steps which need to be done correctly so that eyeliner will become a complete whole.

That’s why, if you make a mistake in one thing, then the whole eyliner look goes bad.

It like a house of cards, if you remove just one card, the whole house breaks down.

And there are a lot of things that can go wrong, such as:

There are many more mistakes women make when doing their eyeliner but the ones above are the most common.

And as you can see, creating a perfect eyeliner requires every step in the process be coordinated and precise, and that’s exactly what we’ll show you inside this course.

We purposely took as an example a double graphic eyeliner where the lower part is blurred while the upper part is not, and the whole look is matte and we will use cut crease technique.

With this makeup look we’ll show you many techniques and methods of doing eyeliner makeup which you’ll not find on other places.

Every step in the process of doing this makeup look we’ll explain in great detail and we’ll leave nothing out so everything you’ll learn in this course in less than 2 hours will allow you to create a perfect blended eyeliner.

Below you can see the final look from the course:

The course has 1 hour and 54 minutes and it’s divided in 26 lectures for easy learning. You can always watch specific lectures that interest you like doing eye makeup, lips, tan, eyeliner etc.

You Get Lifetime Access To The Course Inside Our Mobile App Where You'll Find A Section For Personalized Mentorship As Well As A Live Chat

At The End Of The Course You Get A Certificate Of Completion

Certificate Of Completion

Meet Your Mentor For The Course

Hi, I’m Eka and I’ve been working as a makeup artist since 2016, and I started teaching women about makeup in 2017.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked with thousands of women with different skin types and ages, from those in their twenties to those in their sixties.

That’s why I know exactly how to help every woman, regardless of age, to recognize her skin type, choose affordable yet quality products that suit her skin, and how to properly blend them to achieve a look she’ll love and that emphasizes her natural beauty.

I’ve done this in my live educations as well, which hundreds of women have gladly attended, because I’ve always generously and openly shared everything I’ve learned as a professional makeup artist.

I must add that I haven’t only conducted training sessions in my salon, but I’ve also had the honor of being invited by Kryolan to hold traninig sessions in their facilities:

All that brought me more than 40k followers on my Instagram profile and millions of of impressions on my images and videos – NOTE: This is on my Instagram profile on the Balkans, we also have our English version which we are currently building:

You Can Read Here What Some Of Our Students Said About Our Courses

NOTE: These Are Translated Testimonials From Our Balkan Students

Testimonial - 4
Testimonial - 10
Testimonial - 9
Testimonial - 7
Testimonial - 2
Testimonial - 8

And Here You Can Hear What Some Of Our Students Have To Say About Our Education And Courses

NOTE: These Are Translated Testimonials From Our Balkan Students


How do I access BEAUTY PRO course and the gifts I get with it?

After you buy Beauty Pro course, on the next page you’ll download the mobile app or open the link in your browser where you’ll get access to Beauty Pro course and all the gifts that come with it

How long do I have access to Beaty Pro course?

You have lifetime access to Beauty Pro course and all the gifts that come with it. Also, everything we share inside the mobile app, all the tips and tricks, you’ll also have lifetime access.

What if I have questions for the concepts explained inside Beauty Pro course?

Any questions you have you can ask inside the course. There’s a special section for mentorship where you can share your work with us and get our feedback on what you’ve learned and what you need to practice more. And any other question you might have, you can ask inside the mentorship section and we’ll help you out asap.

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